“I just think to find new job, better career and better salary”
I just say “It is nice. For me I feel grateful for what I had. My job, my workplace … even not sure, at least every morning when I wake up I know what I should do that is work. Because I know there are many people in this city still searching job”
I just say “It is nice. For me I feel grateful for what I had. My job, my workplace … even not sure, at least every morning when I wake up I know what I should do that is work. Because I know there are many people in this city still searching job”
“I hate to face my boss everyday, much talking and weird”
I just say “That boss is for, at least … later when you will be a boss someday, I hope you will not like him/her. Because you had known how the feeling on subordinate staff position”
“ Seems my salary not enough for me”
I just say “How big and high the salary is, I am sure it will not enough ever as if we don’t control ourselves”
“Nice dream right, as if leave in condo, latest car and rich husband ?”
I just say “Is better to live in village quite far from crowded, just fine car, and good husband”
“I want to buy that latest mobile phone”
I just say “Are you sure you want to spend more than 6 million to buy that thing ?”
“I think she/he will promote to sub company”
I just say “If this happen to her/him its means she/he must be lucky. Maybe next turn is me hehehe”