The other side of me is like to see and explore about housing and gardening. Until i found this article which shocked me, the first question was how come this house built ? what kind of things and ornaments that filled this house ?.
This person i'm sure must be a creative person, start from the floor, the roof, until tiny ornaments are made from recycle things. Used botle, cattle bones, piece of glass, old frame, and many many others. Have enjoy to see the faboulus recycled house.
About 12 years ago, Dan Phillips started Phoenix Commotion, a construction business in his hometown, Huntsville, Tex., where he builds low-income housing out of salvaged items.
So far, he has built 14 homes on lots either purchased or received as a donation. A self-taught carpenter, electrician and plumber, Mr. Phillips said 80 percent of the materials are salvaged from other construction projects, hauled out of trash heaps or just picked up from the side of the road.
Salvaged wine corks, which are easy to come by, provide an inexpensive form of cork flooring. "We have some heavy drinkers in town," Mr. Phillips said.
The bases of wine bottles function like stained glass on the top of a Dutch door.
Mr. Phillips created a counter out of slices of osage orange wood, a ubiquitous material in East Texas that many builders find difficult to use.
At left, the osage orange wood is used as railing.
Mr. Phillips's houses use scrap wood for siding. City officials worked closely with him to set up a recycled building materials warehouse where builders, demolition crews and building product manufacturers can drop off items rather than throwing them in a landfill.