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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Exotic Escapes

Exotic places to escape ... wow ... so fabulous. What i most to do is just ESCAPE. When i stopped by to Oprah , i saw this article to lure ourself to escape in exotic places. Even hard to grant one of these places, but i could find another places to escape. If i have to choose, i will chose dive with sharks. The More risky the more i like :).

Swim with Jellyfish
Sometimes, you just need to get away—far, far away. These unique travel destinations will open a new world of exploration and adventure! Take a trip to the Rock Islands for a cool dip with the golden jellyfish. and have lost their stinging ability, so tourists can enjoy swimming with the creatures up close and personal. Located in the Pacific island of Palau, Jellyfish Lake is a completely landlocked saltwater lake that used to have an output to the ocean. Today, the jellyfish that live there feed on algae

Try Spelunking
Showering waterfalls, caves and slides will challenge you as you climb and explore the canyons of New Zealand. Leap from a subterranean waterfall and try your skills at "black-water rafting" as you take in all the adventures the country has to offer.

Bunk in an Igloo
From Sweden to Canada to Finland, ice hotels are popping up in locations across the globe. The unique hotels, which melt every year and are rebuilt the next season, offer walls and fixtures made entirely of ice. Most are furnished with amenities like artic sleeping bags, meals prepared over an open fire, reindeer parks and even chapels. The fact that the hotels melt each year means that the architecture of each space is constantly changing.

Dive with Sharks
If lying on the beach with a book sounds like a bore, why not spend your vacation face to face with a 2,700 pound shark? Check out Shark Alley off of Dyer Island in South Africa, a breeding ground for whales, dolphins and a plethora of sharks. Instructors assist you as you deep-sea dive—while safely inside a cage—with Great Whites. Remember: This is an activity to do with professionals only.

Lodge in a Treehouse
Relive your childhood—with or without your kids—by sleeping among the exotic birds and monkeys in a "treesort." You can visit destinations like Brazil, Costa Rica and Turkey to take in their spectacular scenery while staying right in the forest. Many treehouse hotels offer accommodations like thatched roofs, suspended walkways, steel-cable bridges and leaf-covered showers. Each house usually sleeps two to six people.

Take a Dip in Geothermal Seawater
Bathe and relax in the Blue Lagoon in southwestern Iceland, a geothermic destination spa filled with over 6 million liters of perfectly hot seawater (the average temperature is a Jacuzzi-like 104 degrees). The lagoon is known for its healing power and unique active mineral ingredients that cleanse and refresh the skin, making this a hot spot for those who want to pamper themselves.

Cave Tubing
Go cave tubing in Belize! Begin your adventure by trekking through the breathtaking nature trails in the Belizean rainforest. Explore beautiful dry caves and the Maya underworld when you float on a rubber inner tube through the formations of the Caves Branch River.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Audible Book For Free Download

For all of you who like to read this is the other way to satisfy your desire in reading 'Audible'. I found the fabulous site to download Audible Books For Free HERE. LibriVox provides free audio books from the public domain. There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the mp3 or open to save the files into your own computer. You will find vary book catalog there. Have enjoy it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Popular Question

I'd like to ask some of these questions below and hard for me to find satisfy answered. I was extremely surprised when i saw these answers on RD. Aslike, there is true love exist and sincere ?, can two persons in marry survive in betrayal ?, do animal have 6th sense ? when a person realize they have wants ?, when traffic jam come to this world ? until ... can man and woman have good relationship, whether we known man is from mars and woman is from Venus ?.
Human is the most perfect and complex creature in world, that's why God gives us brain and allows us to make any assumption in live. Nice things will be nicer if share. Check these out.

1. Can love really last a lifetime ?
Absolutely -- but only if you chuck the fairy tale of living happily ever after. A team of scientists recently found that romantic love involves chemical changes in the brain that last 12 to 18 months. After that, you and your partner are on your own. Relationships require maintenance. Pay a visit to a nursing home if you want to see proof of lasting love. There is a man whose wife of 60 years was suffering from advanced Alzheimer's disease. He came to sit with her every day and hold her hand. "She's been my best friend since high school," he told me. "We made a promise to stick together." Now, that's a love story.

2. Why do married folks begin to look like one another ?
Watch any two people who like each other talking, and you'll see a lot of mirroring. One smiles, and so does the other. One nods or raises her eyebrows, and so does the other. Faces are like melodies with a natural urge to stay in sync. Multiply those movements by several decades of marriage, all those years of simultaneous sagging and drooping, and it's no wonder!

3. Can a marriage survive betrayal ?
Yes. It takes time and work, but experts are pretty unanimous on this one. In her book The Monogamy Myth, Peggy Vaughan estimates that 60 percent of husbands and 40 percent of wives will have an affair at some point in their marriages. That's no advertisement for straying -- but the news is good for couples hoping to recover from devastating breaches of trust. The offended partner needs to make the choice to forgive -- and learn to live with a memory that can't simply be erased. Infidelity is never forgotten, but it can gradually fade into the murky background of a strong, mature marriage.

4. Why does summer zoom by and winter drag on forever?
Because context defines experience. As Albert Einstein once said: "When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder, a second seems like an hour."

5. Do animals really have a sixth sense ?
Or seventh or eighth! A box jellyfish has 24 eyes, an earthworm's entire body is covered with taste receptors, a cockroach can detect movement 2,000 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom -- and your dog's sense of smell is up to 100,000 times greater than yours (some dogs have been known to smell human cancers). It's safe to say that animals experience a much different world than we do.

6. Why does the line you're in always move the slowest ?
Because you're late for your kid's band practice, and you curse your luck and envy those speeding by. Conversely, when you're in the fast line, unfettered by stress, you don't even notice the poor schlubs in the slow lane. Good luck rarely commands one's attention like bad luck. (See answer on buttered toast, "The Ultimate Test," below.)

7. By what age should you know what you want to do with your life ?
Any moment now. This used to be a question the young asked. Now it's a quandary for baby boomers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that younger boomers have abandoned the American ideal of picking a job and sticking with it. Between the ages of 18 and 36, these boomers held an average of 9.6 jobs. That's a lot of exploration. The wisdom of elders in all cultures seems to be this: There's nothing to do with a life but live it. As Gandhi pointed out, "Almost anything you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it."

8. Where do traffic jams come from ?
Scientists are hard at work on this one, studying computer models of the physics of gridlock and inventing all new traffic-light algorithms. Some of them postulate that the rhythms of automobile traffic are influenced by the same cyclical forces that cause waves in the ocean. For the average commuter, though, it may be helpful to think of it this way: congestion. There are just too many darn people trying to do the same thing at once. (Flush every toilet in a single office building simultaneously, and see what happens.) All of this by way of saying: Buy a newspaper, load up some favorite tunes on your MP3 player, and take the bus.

9. When is your future behind you?
When you stop chasing dreams. So don't stop!

10. Do you have to love your job ?
No. Love your children, your spouse and your country. Love your parents, your neighbor and your dog. Loving is too important an emotion to attach to the way you make a living. But it's OK to strive for satisfaction. According to a recent Harris Poll, across America 59% of workers say they are extremely, somewhat or slightly satisfied with their jobs, but a depressing 33% feel as if they've reached a career dead end. If you're among the latter and thinking about a new job, consider the fact that employees in small firms said they felt more engaged in their work than did their corporate counterparts.

11. Can a man and a woman ever just be friends?
For a short time perhaps. Making the friendship last requires that you find each other at least vaguely repulsive. Good luck!

12. When do you take away Grandpa's car keys ?
Twenty-two states currently require frequent testing for senior drivers. The American Medical Association and the AARP, however, say safe driving has more to do with functional ability than age. True, seniors are more at risk for reduced vision, hearing loss and impairments associated with arthritis -- but all of these conditions depend on the individual. So when it seems to you that Pop is becoming a danger to himself and a danger to others, tell him straight. Point out that his reactions have slowed or his judgment is losing its edge. Suggest he not drive anymore. Be firm, but at the same time, don't treat him like a child. Allow him his dignity. Offer him a ride.

13. Do siblings who fight really end up liking each other ?
I surveyed my older sisters, both of whom have vivid memories of how I tripped, pummeled, and whacked them with various large plastic dolls (hey, they started it -- they teased me!), and both confirmed my suspicion that nowadays they like me just fine. I sure like them. All the experts will tell you that fighting among siblings is normal. The key is how parents handle it. Rule No 1: Don't take sides. Never get into a discussion of who started what or what is more fair. Stop fights with a time-out for all offenders. My mother would send us to separate rooms. So we invented string phones and a pulley system to transport necessary treats and toys. And whatever we were fighting about was forgotten.

14. How do you know when to end a friendship ?
As soon as you get that sneaking suspicion that it never really began.

15. Why do we turn into our parents when we swore we wouldn't ?
Because really, when all is said and done, we admire them.

16. Can a half-empty person become a half-full person ?
A current theory is that people have an "emotional set point." Some folks are just made happier than others. Pessimists will see this as bad news, believing it really doesn't matter what you do -- they are never going to be any happier. But there is hope -- as any optimist will see! Happiness has more to do with how you construe the events in your life than the actual events themselves.

17. When do kids become adults ?
Biologically, it's happening earlier; emotionally, it seems to be happening later. Nowadays puberty occurs in females between ages 8 and 14, between 9 and 15 in males. A generation ago, when you turned 18, you were out the door and on your own. Now we see kids in the Boomerang Generation coming home to Mom and Dad after college, hoping for a hand with bills, laundry, meals and other responsibilities of adulthood. It's cute for a while, less adorable the older the kid gets.

18. Can a mother be friends with her teenage daughter?
No. Most teens aren't ready for anything close to a mature friendship. According to current research, the brain continues to develop into a person's 20s. Mothers often want to befriend their daughters; fathers, their sons. But this is not in anyone's best interest. Teenagers need to form identities distinct from their parents. That means: lots of privacy, even some secrets. It's usually easier for a teenage girl to befriend the friend of her mother, and it's usually best for the mother to leave it at that.

19. Does money really buy happiness ?
No. Because happiness isn't for sale. Many people get tripped up by this one, amassing wealth only to find themselves cycling into a bottomless pit of unsatisfiable yearning. Turns out, joy and misery are not that far apart when it comes to very big wads of cash. Consider the case of a Kentucky couple who won $34 million in 2000. Thrilled to be released from the demands of their boring old jobs, they frittered their fortune away on fancy cars, mansions, all the usual stuff -- losing everything that mattered in the process. They divorced, he died of an alcohol-related illness, and she died alone in her new house just five years after cashing the winning ticket. When it comes to happiness, only people you love, and who love you, can bring it. If you have enough dough to buy yourself a luxurious yacht, but no real friends to sail with, you're sunk.

20. Can spenders and savers stay married ?
Sure -- and they won't run out of things to talk about either. Disagreements over money are a leading cause of divorce, so experts advise lots of work around this issue if, financially speaking, you've found yourself married to your opposite. Tip: Always talk in terms of "ours" instead of "mine" or "yours," and work your strengths. The saver should be allowed to draft the budget; the spender gets to be in charge of vacations, celebrations and ordering extra toppings on the pizza.

21. Is money the root of all evil ?
No. Greed is. Elvis nailed this one when he said, "Sharing money is what gives it its value."

22. What do you do if you see a parent berating a child ?
Cringe. Take a deep breath. If you truly believe you can help the situation, approach as someone showing sympathy -- not as an accuser or member of the parent police. Empathize with the overstressed parent. Suggest that he take a deep breath. Tell him it worked for you.

23. Why is it so hard to say you're wrong ?
Because it often involves saying, "I'm sorry," which is even harder. Throughout history people have found it easier to stop speaking to one another, punch, slander, shoot and bomb rather than apologize. Tip: Next time just say, "Whoops," and see what happens.

24. When should you reveal a secret you said you wouldn't ?
It's a matter of damage control. Is the person who asked you to keep the secret in danger of hurting himself or others? If so, intervene. Otherwise, mum's the word.

25. Does the toast really always fall buttered-side down ?
Scientists in the Ask Laskas Kitchen conducted a study for which they first toasted an entire loaf of bread, one slice at a time. They buttered each slice, and dropped it from a variety of heights ranging from tabletop to ceiling. Among their findings: A dropped piece of toast never lands on its edge; stomping your foot and yelling "Darn!" does not change a thing; and the floor in the Ask Laskas Kitchen is not nearly as clean as we'd like. Well, life's like that. Never as neat as you'd like it to be. But keep buttering your toast. And savor every slice you've been given.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Single, Happy

I wonder, why people around me always ask same question, which make a big question mark for them. "When you will marry ?". Well ... what i used to respond was "Smile", but deep in heart i used to say "So, what is big deal for you huh ?" :)

Thank you for this song which is sung by Oppie Andaresta "Single, Happy". Here this the lyric that i translated to English and media song to listen. And now ... i have another answer for them ... "I am single and very happy".

They say I am a chooser and lonely
Too stiff in life
Thousand of advices and guidance are given
Longing for happiness

I just fine
Enjoy what life is
My life is so perfect
I’m single and very happy
Reach beautiful dreams
Do what I like
Making friends with everyone
I’m single and very happy

They say it’s the time ‘cuz ages
Looking for a man
But surely come my soul mate
In wonderful time and way

Time keep moving, I can’t end
I wish for a good

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Corps Bride

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Tim Burton's Corpse Bride carries on in the dark, romantic tradition of Tim Burton's classic films Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Set in a 19th century European village, this stop-motion, animated feature follows the story of Victor (voiced by Johnny Depp), a young man who is whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious Corpse Bride, while his real bride, Victoria, waits bereft in the land of the living. Though life in the Land of the Dead proves to be a lot more colorful than his strict Victorian upbringing, Victor learns that there is nothing in this world, or the next, that can keep him away from his one true love. It's a tale of optimism, romance and a very lively afterlife, told in classic Tim Burton style.

Inspired by Howard Schwartz's retelling of the Jewish folktale "The Finger," from the book Lilith's Cave: Jewish Tales of the Supernatural.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Coastal Eco-Resorts

From open-air tropical bungalows to luxe tree houses, let these idyllic hideaways decrease your carbon footprint as they expand your horizons

Natura Cabañas, Dominican Republic

Morgan’s Rock Hacienda & Ecolodge, Nicaragua

Maho Bay Camps & Estate Concordia, U.S. Virgin Islands

Anjajavy l’Hôtel, Madagascar

The Colony Hotel, Kennebunkport, Maine

Yediburunlar Lighthouse, Turkey

Treebones Resort, Big Sur, California

Sal Salis Ningaloo Reef, Australia

Sadie Cove Wilderness Lodge, Alaska

9 Beaches, Bermuda

Friday, May 15, 2009

My Ways To Live In The Moment

Don't you realize that we live in this word are filled with just options ? options ... and options ... Then how we have to live and life with all of these ? I am not kind of person who likes to choose something, because the truth is ... i am hate in options. Well, like or not, i have to through these wheter i can't be longer here :). Let me share you some ways, my ways, that will lead you easier in life

Watch your breath

Take attention whenever you breath that will make yourself relax

Just feel it

Focus your attention on the physical sensations you are feeling. If you feel sad just let it,if you in loving just be sincere then if you get anger just be rational

Put your cares on ice floe

Close your eyes, think about which things that bother and make you worry. Imagine you are in the middle of ocean which surrounded with ices, take time about 30 minutes to an hour even so. Promise you will come back to reclaim them later

Simple ways to follow but i know those can be hard ways to do. You will be able to do whenever you used to do it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sometimes ...
Want to cry at load
Want scream that high
Want to fly to sky
Want to jump to down
Want hide and can’t find
Want dissapear and vanish
Want sleep and never wake up
Want life shorter
Want live in dream
Want regret i exist
Want let off my weary
Want put off my lonely
Want take off my hardness
Want lessen my sadness
Want forget all things
Want to runaway ... as far as God takes me
Ryza Febriasty


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