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Monday, September 26, 2011

Dearly blog,

This morning I went to Dharmais Hospital to meet Dr. Noorwati as Hematology to consul about DDimer test. Dharmais hospital is a the biggest national cancer hospital center in Jakarta, Indonesia. Let me explain first about DDimer test. Just wonder about a road whrere there are many cars bring many loads to the pabric. Cuz of the some problems such as crowded, bad asphalt and so on the load to pabric got late. So it was same with my body. The road refers to my antibody, the car refers to my blood and the load refers to the food and the pabric refers to the baby. Anytime ... Can be happen accident right so do with the baby so my obgyn doctor suggested to take maternity opearation before the baby enter to 38 weeks. The day has been settled which is Friday on 30 September 2011.

To lessen the problem I have to take injection twice a day, please don't ask about the pain. The feel was so .... hurt. But is not matter as long as the baby just fine with it. Twice a day for injection  is really above my imagination.

I feel so thank that my husband is right there for me and the baby. He feel sorry whenever see me suffer in pain. Once again is fine as long as the baby is safe.

A mother will do anything to her daughter and son. So do me. I know the operation will make me more pain later but it just fine as long as I will see how beautiful my daughter later. Khansa Amaira will be my future's daughter name. Some in the Internet said that khansaa mean a woman Moslem warrior yes, she is cuz she had been fight for herself to have an effort to life. She is so brave face it so do me as a mother to take all effort.

My dear daughter, i really hope, pray and wish that we meet soon. Mommy really want to see your smile, want to hear your cry, want to touch your softly skin. I dearly cry when I am writing this cuz I really won't to loose you. You are the best I ever had, the best and the most the beautiful gift for me.

No one who surrounding me know exactly what I feel. Only God and me know what I feel.

See you soon my baby, here mommy waits you. All the pray for you.

Love you so much,

Your mother Ryza Febriasty

1 comment:

  1. i hope you will be ok and your daughter too dont worry my pray with u always and i like baby namme its nice dont worry every thing will be ok just smile and take care


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