'New Post on August 5, 2014'

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

From 9th Floor

I was on 6th floor at my Head Office from 2005 until 2010. And today in 2011, i move to 9th floor which designed to modern one. 
Wednesday morning started with bright sun. I considered to capture some shoots from my window. From my back, i could see the biggest mosque in southeast Asia "Istiqlal Mosque' which located on Central Jakarta.    

The bridge divides Istiqlal Mosque to head office 

Istiqlal Mosque 

From all those shoots you may exactly guess what is the office name ?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Placed and Pulled

It has been few years i laid in this place "Placed and Pulled".

I have been placed myself on surface many times, but something pushed me to go deeper .
I have been placed myself below the surface and then slept in it until today.
I have been placed myself deeper to feel how it felt, what would happen ?.
I have been placed myself and felt so comfy in it.

And now,
I am trying to pull it.
Everything i keep.
Not only the things but also the traces.

Will be it better ?
It is far, beyond my forecast.
Am i able to forecast ?

I am

Dissapointed, just an ending but the process just pain.


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